Corset Training While Dieting & Exercising

When regularly wearing your corset, eating properly and getting the correct exercise is essential. You have to keep in mind that the contents of your stomach are being tightened and compressed, making safe eating and exercise habits crucial to adopt. 

When you begin corset training, your breathing capacity is limited, and your movements become constrained. This can greatly reduce your physical activity since many exercises will be difficult to perform. This will call for a detailed exercise strategy. Of course you’ll be removing your corset. Jogging is an excellent form of exercise for corset trainers. It’s light and elevates your heart-rate.

One unfortunate downside to corset training is the decline in muscle strength of the back region and torso. Because the corset structure acts as a support for the upper-body, the muscles that are normally charged with keeping the upper-body straightened are no longer strained, leading them to gradually become weaker. You must exercise daily to ensure that these muscles remain strengthened. There are exercises that you can do to target these muscle groups specifically. Planking is a great exercise that involves supporting your body-weight with your elbows and toes while being sure to keep your back straight. The boat is another excellent exercise that involves lying on your back while lifting your shoulders and feet a few inches from the ground. These exercises are described as non-impact exercises, meaning that they allow the force of gravity to activate the muscles around the torso. Search online or contact your local gym to learn more about back and core exercises. You’ll definitely be able to find the right exercises for you.

With diet, it’s best to eat small meals often. A large meal won’t sit well on a constricted stomach and will only cause discomfort. Instead of 3 meals a day, 5 small meals is more preferable for someone waist training. Smaller meals are also lighter on the digestive tract, leading to easier and more comfortable digestion. Additionally, adopting a diet with smaller meals will reduce the amount of food that is typically stored as fat. This is the case whether you corset-train or not. If you are having a night out at a restaurant, you may feel compelled to finish your plate, but you shouldn’t force it. You’ll only feel the discomfort that comes with eating too much, and the meal will not have been enjoyed. If you know that finishing the plate will cause you discomfort, then simply lay down your utensils, even if only half the plate was finished. You must be conscious of your body.

Lastly, try to avoid cold drinks. Drinking cold beverages will only deceive your body, allowing your stomach to believe that it’s emptier then it truly is. Also be sure to get adequate fiber, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Aside from the much needed nutrients, constricting your stomach can lead to constipation, so you’ll want to supply your body with enough fiber to promote healthy and smooth digestion!